Tuesday, December 13, 2011

‘Aftershock’ Book Predicts Economic Disaster Amid Controversy

‘Aftershock’ Book

Predicts Economic Disaster Amid Controversy

Robert Wiedemer’s new book, “Aftershock: Protect Yourself and Profit in the Next Global Financial Meltdown,” quickly is becoming the survival guide for the 21st century. And Newsmax’s eye-opening Aftershock Survival Summit video, with exclusive interviews and prophetic predictions, already has affected millions around the world — but not without ruffling a few feathers.

Initially screened for a private audience, this gripping video exposed harsh economic truths and garnered an overwhelming amount of feedback.


There is another book with the title "Aftershock" by Robert Reich which may provide some insight into the reason for this economic crisis. In a nutshell it is the relentless drive to concentrate wealth into the hands of a very small number of wealthy individuals. Simply put - draining the economic ocean of the middle class decreases their spending power which is what drives the economy. On the other end the super rich, who are paying less than 15% tax on UNearned income, may not spend, may choose not to invest in job creation (since demand is decreased why should they?), or may invest offshore all of which slows the overall economy down. My take on this book is that it is really a marketing scheme that functions by scaring the hell out of people, and then providing a "way to survive" prescription that may or may not have any validity. With doom and gloom predictions for sale, Weidemeir has a vested interest in protecting his reputation does he not? Take it with a huge grain of salt...

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